What is ARC WA?
Accelerating Research and Commercialization in Washington State (ARC WA) is funded by the SBA FAST Partnership Program. The Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program provides funding to organizations to execute state/regional programs that increase the number of SBIR/STTR proposals leading to an increase in the number of SBIR/STTR awards from women, socially/economically disadvantaged individuals, and small businesses in underrepresented areas - typically rural states.
We are helping to build the WA State SBIR/STTR ecosystem by providing outreach, technical and business assistance, and financial support to both small business innovators and resource partners who support those innovators.
We Help Early Stage Firms/Small Businesses by
Determining eligibility and next steps for SBIR and STTR programs
Assisting with navigating the SBIR and STTR programs
Providing no-cost advising
Connections to no-cost or low-cost resources across the state
We Help Resource Providers by
Providing Train the Trainer workshops
Provide targeted Phase 0 assistance
Connections to the innovation ecosystem via our Resource Library